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Dedicated to the conservation of the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in Morris County, NJ

The 2021 Duck Stamps Have Arrived

The 2021-2022 Federal Duck Stamp, featuring a single lesser scaup drake painted by Delaware artist Richard Clifton. Credit: ©USFWS

The 2021-2022 Federal Duck Stamp is now on sale at the Friends Nature Shop in the Helen C. Fenske Visitor Center. Proceeds from the sales of duck stamps are used to acquire and protect land for National Wildlife Refuges. Often donors wonder how much of their donation actually benefits the cause. In the case of Federal Duck Stamps, by law 98 cents of every dollar is used to conserve habitat for wildlife. This is probably the most effective conservation donation that you can make.

When you purchase your stamp, ask for the free “key chain” so you can display the stamp proudly on your binoculars or your backpack. A limited supply of free certificates, suitable for framing, are also available. The Federal Duck Stamp also serves as an annual pass for National Wildlife Refuges that charge a entrance fee. Now as you know, access to Great Swamp NWR is free, and you can come as often as you want. However, one way to show your appreciation for this fabulous natural area is by buying a Federal Duck Stamp.  The Visitor Center is open Friday – Sunday, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm